Skylight & Hole Drawing Mode

Skylight & Hole Drawing Mode

Skylights & Holes are created in a similar way in the Visual View using the Skylight & Hole Drawing-modes respectively.

Click the Draw Skylight or Draw Hole buttons to enter the require drawing-mode or use the keyboard shortcuts ⌨ K for Skylights, and ⌨ H for holes.

Holes are always drawn on the parent Floor of the Zone that they penetrate.

You can draw Holes & Skylights in Rectangular or Polygon line by line Sub-Modes, and for Skylights, you can additionally draw in Circular Sub-Mode too.

Skylights & Holes are drawn similar to Zones, using the same Left-Click & Right-Click features, Manual Dimensions & ⌨ Shift key straight line features. Please refer to the Visual View Left Toolbar & Drawing Modes and Zone Drawing Mode tutorial videos for a refresher on these functions.

When drawing Skylights in Circular Sub-Mode, the first click should be made at the centre of the circular Skylight, and then move the out towards the edge of the Skylight. When entering manual dimensions during this Sub-Mode, the dimensions entered should be the radius of the Skylight.

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