All zones are completely bounded by walls along their edges, and when a zone is initially drawn, the walls for that zone are created automatically. If required, the newly created walls will split & connect to nearby walls from other zones automatically. When two walls are connected like this, we call them Adjacent Walls in Hero.
Default Values & Previous Values
Newly created walls typically are assigned either the Default properties Properties of walls such as the Default Wall Assembly & Default Wall Heights, or if you adjusted a wall away from these properties, the New Wall will use this Previous Value. For example if you change a wall away from the Defaults to a Fibre-cement Wall that is 2450mm high, then the next zone created will have the new walls as Fibre-cement walls at 2450mm height.
Selecting a Wall
You can select Select a wall either within the Visual View or the Data-Grid.
Walls also share the common context-menu actions of Select Parent (which will select the Parent Zone of the Wall) which can also be called by double-clicking the wall.
Deleting Walls
Walls can be deleted by:
selecting the wall and pressing delete
by using the right-click context-menu delete action within the Visual View
by right-clicking a wall anchor & choosing the Delete Point action
When a wall is deleted, the walls to the left & right of the deleted wall are connected so that the room remains contiguous. If you are deleting a Wall Anchor, it will be the wall who has this anchor as its right-anchor that will be deleted.
Walls can be moved in the Visual View by selecting them and then dragging them into their position.
You can also drag the corner anchors of a wall to move that wall point and extend or shrink the length.
Note |
Walls cannot intersect walls of other zones, and in these situations, Hero will block any attempts to move further. |
You can move a wall or a wall-anchor in a straight-line direction by holding Shift.
Walls can be split into new walls by the Split Drawing Mode feature which is detailed in the Split & Merge Drawing Mode tutorial.
You can also split a wall vertically by the right-click context-menu action Split Wall (Vertically). This will split the walls & add a new wall-anchor at that point.
Two or more continuous walls can be merged into a single wall using the Merge Drawing mode as detailed in the Split & Merge Drawing Mode section.